Tithing is one of the most ancient biblical practices dating all the way back to Abraham and Melchizedek. We believe that it is a biblically mandated responsibility of our stewardship and that is why we follow in the footsteps of our father Abraham and practice giving 10% of our income (our “tithes”), as well as giving above and beyond that as YaHWeH moves upon us to do so (our “offerings”). The Scripture tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive. Through these gifts, we support the ministry and mission of Torah to The Tribes, reaching and gathering the 12 Tribes scattered in our neighborhood, our city, and our world through our platforms and the Three Annual Pilgrimage Feasts.
Make a one-time donation or set up a recurring payment easily with our online giving platform.
Simply text the word "torah" to 779-77 to give using your mobile phone.
If you’d like to give by check or cash, please mail your gift to Torah to the Tribes, PO Box 2716, Salem, Oregon 97308.
Torah to the Tribes is a tax-exempt ministry placed outside the jurisdiction of the civil government due to the First Amendment: “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Torah to the Tribes is automatically tax exempt according to IRS code 508 (c)(1) (A) and meets the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Torah to the Tribes qualifies to receive deductible contributions. You can deduct your contributions on your annual tax return.