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Sabbath is a blessing not a burden, keep it simple and make it fun for all the family!
The Ten Commandments for Sabbath:
1. Keep it holy; refrain from common secular activities, like “rising up to play” secular sports. Exo. 20:8.
2. No customary work; take the day off. Exo. 31:14.
3. Don’t kindle fires; i.e if you are a woodchopper lay off the axe, prepare ahead of Sabbath. On a personal level, don't kindle a fire with your words - no harsh words or contentions on the Sabbath day. Exo 35:3.
4. Join a holy convocation, no traveling for travelings sake. We have lots of options for joining a holy convocation, you can always join us Friday evening for our Calendar Club on 'Zoom', or on Sabbath morning for our ‘Zoom’ Shabbat Fellowship online, or later at 3pm for our LiveStream. Exo 16:29. Act 1:12.
5. Don’t carry a load; in todays parlance don’t move on Shabbat, or set up a stall for merchandising. Neh 13:15.
6. No baking; try to prepare your meals ahead of time, so you can rest and stay out of the kitchen all day; remember shabbat is a blessing! Take a break! Exo. 16:23.
7. No boiling; I like to use a insta-hot because I love tea, but in old times boiling consisted of fetching wood, kindling fires and a lot of labor. Exo. 16:23.
8. No buying and selling. Neh. 13:15.
9. No gathering supplies; leave the grocery shopping and shopping in general to a common day. Neh. 13:15.
10. Be attentive to holiness and make no mention of other gods names. Exo. 23:12-13.
I recommend The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition (RSTNE) supplemented with the Brenton Septuagint with Apocrypha (as with all bibles I'm not endorsing any editors footnotes-use discernment).
As New Testament believers we are in covenant which includes the part of the law that was covenanted, in particular the Book of the Covenant. The Book of the Covenant is the original covenant for believers which was broken and laid waste until Messiah came and paid the price enabling our entrance into a new blood ratification of it.
We are different in that we adhere to Book of the Covenant torah which is based upon the better promises of Messiah Yahusha (Heb. 8:6), not the later added Levitical laws and ordinances which were given for Golden Calf transgressions (Gal. 3:18). This belief is therefore distinct in that it includes the law (torah) of Abraham (the sabbaths, feasts and festivals and dietary blessings) but not the law (torah) of the Levites (the animal sacrifices, ceremonial duties and washings). We recognize a change in law (Heb 7:12.) not a change to all law (Messianic) or a change to no law (traditional Christianity), it's the rightly dividing point, "rightly dividing the word of truth"(2 Tim 2:15).
We are different in that we believe that grace empowers us to keep YaHWeH’s laws, grace is not a license to continue to live as we are, in sin and flee from YaHWeH’s law (1.Jn.3:4). For example the apostle Paul was keeping Sabbath and the Feasts many years after Messiah’s ascension (Acts 13:42, 17:2, 18:4, 18:21).
Yahusha is the Messiah of YaHWeH the Son of the living YaHWeH and our Melchizedek High Priest and as such He calls us into His priesthood obtained from the covenants of promise as we live as a community of covenanted believers together. Heb 7:24, 1Pet 2. Eph 2:12.
No. Torah to the Tribes is a a podcast covering the Bible, biblical prophecy and current events, but as a religious non for profit ministry Torah to the Tribes also hosts a broadcast and community center, as well as hosting the three holy annual pilgrimage feasts - Passover, Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles. Your donations make it possible to get the message out to the nations and gather in the exiles the world over to the Feasts of YaHWeH.
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You can access our giving help center at https://help.pushpay.com/hc/en-us
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