Series Overview

The Acts of the Hebrews

Part 29-2

September 25, 2021

Was Peter in Barat-Anat - Britain too? Barat-Anat was considered by 17th century scholars to be the ancient Phoenician name for Britain, in Olde English – “The Tin Islands.” The plot thickens; as Joseph of Arimathea was the Apostle of Britain. Joseph ran the tin trade between England and the whole Mediterranean area. He had a great fleet of ships, and was a Minister of Mines for the Roman Empire. The British mines mainly supplied the glorious adornment of Solomon's Temple.

As Yahusha’s great uncle, Joseph became Yahusha's Guardian (by Law, as next of kin) when Mary's husband Joseph died early in Yahusha’s life. He took Yahusha with him on his journeys to Glastonbury, England. Have you ever wondered why one of the biggest heathen festivals is hosted in Glastonbury year after year!?

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Part 29

September 19, 2021

From the Sonni Manuscript, sometime in the late 1700's and before 1800, C.S.Sonnini published his copy of Sonnini's Travels in Turkey and Greece. It was published and translated into English sometime late in 1799, available at the earliest about 1800. If this manuscript had been allowed to circulate before the curse of dispersion was lifted (Lev 26) then the identity of Ephraim and the true church would of been revealed prematurely, NOW is the time when the scattered tribes are being identified and regathered.

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Part 28

September 12, 2021

Sticks Heb. עץ ‛êts, Gk. froo’-gan-on. The sticks in the fire where the viper hides are the nations of the earth and amongst the nations of the earth are the two houses of Israel - sticks; will they be bitten or will they escape into the wilderness.

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Part 27

September 4, 2021

We’ve got to weather the storms of life. This was Shaul’s 4th shipwreck. When we succumb to fear, we cannot expect to see the messengers that are sent to guide us.

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Part 26

August 28, 2021

Like Shaul, you too may be condemned by this world because you’re in YAHUSHA and choose not to walk after the flesh-fear, but choose to listen to conscience and conviction which come from the Sprit.

Today the righteousness of the TORAH is being fulfilled in us, the twelve tribes scattered abroad who walk not after the fleshly-fear, but walk true to the conscience and conviction of Spirit in the midst of the mandates of mans madness.

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Part 25

August 21, 2021

Now is not the time to slumber on your rights...the man that can’t assert his rights doesn’t have them. In ACTS 25 we find a four-fold Luciferic formulae of accusation mixed with threat, duress and coercion used against Shaul to try and get him to acquiesce to the official demands. This is a formulae that is very much in play today and יהוה has given us another way...the way of the Saints...the way of the wilderness to discover our remedy.

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Part 24

August 14, 2021

The hate train is gaining momentum - full steam ahead to kill Shaul and swoop up the disciples of, we witness that train leaving from the very same station ready to swoop up the unvaccinated, conservative, religious, Christian, Messianic, independent, patriot, Constitutionally minded and pack them all into a neat little box of domestic terrorism and cattle cart them off to be rehabilitated to the Great Reset.

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Part 23

June 26, 2021

Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem: What happens when we face only chaos and factions that function within the realm of controversy and debate? The emphasis is on Paul’s innocence and Jewish guilt, a point that will take us through the rest of Acts. Accusations kill, initially they are intended to kill the accused but ultimately they ensnare and kill the accusers.

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Part 22

June 19, 2021

1. Thriving amongst an accusatory society - the pivot and shift!
2. Terrorists and assassins.
3. Seeing the Kavod/ glory of יהוה and being transformed by the light.
4. Being a devout man/woman of the TORAH.
5. Continuing in the role of Stephen and Paul - עדה‛êdâh the ministry of witness.

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Part 21

June 12, 2021

1. To be BOUND in the RUACH.
3. To be under VOW.

ACTS 21:11 And coming to us, and taking Paul's belt, and BINDING his hands and feet.
ACTS 20:22 And now, behold, I go BOUND IN THE SPIRIT unto Jerusalem.
ACTS 21:13 For I am ready not only to be BOUND, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Master Yahusha.

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Part 19-2

May 29, 2021

1. Facing adversity and evil.
2. Four bible words that expose roving exorcists.
3. Today’s seven power players of Skeva.
4. What does it mean to be free? (four things).
5. Quelling the mob (four stages of cultural comatose docility).

Again, we find that Shaul pushes on in spite of his circumstances and gains immense success in reaching the nations only for the serpent to raise it’s ugly head again, in the form of the Synagogue of Satan!

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Part 19-1

May 15, 2021

Receiving the proper micvah/baptism. Into who or what were you micvaed/baptized? Was it religion, form and structure OR the resurrected life changing life of YAHUSHA. Was it John's baptism or Yahusha's baptism?

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Part 18

May 8, 2021

1. Pricilla and Aquilla. 2. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 3. Repentance brings forth remedy. 4. יהוה turned clay into men, while the despots turn men into clay. 5. Living contrary to the law…which law?

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Part 17

April 24, 2021

Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia and had a council of a half-dozen officials called ‘politarchs’ governing it. It had a major harbor - an admiralty jurisdiction run by ‘politarchs’ being the commercial center, trading in souls.

Our modern political world is fashioned after this idolatrous system: ‘politarchs’, 'admiralty jurisdiction' and the trading in mens souls through a commercial contracts system. Now is the time that the Ruach (Spirit) is leading our people, Israel out of this type of captivity just as the mob falls further into its trap. ACTS is truly a book for our times.

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Part 16

April 17, 2021

Philippi was a Roman Colony and home of retired soldiers from the Roman army. It was a 'federal' military zone, an administrative center, a major Roman Colony. Brethren, what if I were to tell you that you may be living in Philippi upon the Potomac, within a federal military zone where everyone has been under martial law since March 9th, 1933! Martial Law isn't coming its been established for eighty-eight years!

Egypt, Babylon, Philippi, Mystery Babylon, the Matrix, it's all the same - a Roman Colony, colonizing the souls of men, maybe it's time to think about parting the seas and setting your vessel free.

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Part 15

April 10, 2021

The Jerusalem Council, the first letter to the "gentiles" (really the returning "lost" tribes of Israel scattered in the nations. Js.1); the message: return to the belly and heart of the Torah and walk in the former ways of your father Abraham. The New testament isn't new - it's a return to the covenants of promise from of old (Eph. 2:12​).

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Part 14

March 27, 2021

Paul is being stalked and under full surveillance as his enemies “come thither from...” to follow him from town to town to turn the people against him, to de-platform him in essence! Stone the messenger is their philosophy, they stone him, intending to kill him.

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Part 13

March 20, 2021

Acts 13 is a modern day call to those of us sitting in the midst of the rivers of Mystery Babylon. Right now you may not feel like singing a son in a foreign land...but this chapter reminds us not to forget Jerusalem and not to forget that יהוה is with us in all our troubles.

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Part 12

March 13, 2021

Get ready to be “astonished”…v.16 when you see YHWH’s deliverance standing before you...will you really believe it when it all goes down and everything you’ve read and everything you’ve prayed comes to be?

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Part 11

March 6, 2021

How did we end up here? Where was all the outcry? Why was the church silent when it should of been sounding the alarm? Because it's bearing the fruit that comes from its foreign roots! We have inherited a term foreign to Israel, a term widely used by and for Pagan worshippers. The term "Christos" is Greek, and is defined as meaning "anointed." Although it is treated as a translation for the Hebrew word "Moshiach," its use in the Greek language is derived from a completely different application. As early as 200 BCE, there were Pagan worshippers of Serapis that called themselves "Christians." It's time to get back to our Hebrew roots and stand for righteousness and stop the syncretism in these last days!

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Part 10

February 20, 2021

The prophet Jonah was sent from Joppa to the nations. In Acts 10 Peter son of Jonah is sent to the nations. This chapter has nothing to do with cleaning animals but cleansing people, and those people are the lost sheep of Israel assimilated and scattered in the nations!

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Part 9

February 6, 2021

Discrepancies in Acts. Can Luke and Paul be trusted? A shadow governing authority take over. People being tagged for transport.

What happens when civil authorities are given broad sweeping powers of arrest and detainment? IT'S ALL RIGHT HERE IN ACTS 9.

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Part 8

January 30, 2021

PHILIP gets transported, not raptured, but transported. Just like Enoch and Elijah before him. A case for supernatural teleporting, to travel unrestricted by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. With the 1984 travel restrictions now fully in play this may well be the only mode left for the righteous in the last days.

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Part 7

January 23, 2021

The war of the witnesses! ACTS 7:20 the life of Moses: the three 40 year periods correspond to the three prophetic epochs of the Bible. The first 40 years correspond to the Patriarchal Period, the second 40 years correspond to the wilderness (Midian) period, the third 40 years correspond to the time of the Kings and Prophets - then that period ceases and Israel finally gets to enter into the promise land under Yahushua Messiah! We are truly living in the end of days!

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Part 6

January 16, 2021

The law of the harvest, the spiritual law of consequence! Be careful; whatever you accuse someone else of falsely you will spend the rest of your life having to defend those accusations yourself!

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Part 5B

January 9, 2021

More Money! The way we prioritize our finances is either to enact the law of the open window to heaven or enact the law to a closed window to heaven; No matter how hard you work, save or pray, if you have inadvertently enacted the law of the closed window to heaven you’ll be stuck and never quite apprehend the blessing יהוה has reserved for you!

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Part 5

January 2, 2021

Money money money. Follow the money. Our biggest daily conflict isn’t with the NWO, Satan, the government and the Wu-Flu, our biggest daily conflict is with our stuff, our money, our personal finances. They print it - you accept it- they own you! Who's they? CCP 2021 reality!

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Part 4

December 26, 2020

Believers standing up to abuse of authority. What happens when governors weaponize police power? Peter and John end up getting arrested by the temple police by order of the governor (Sanhedrin). Peter makes a defense speech vv 5-12 and a resolution is made, ending in a warning vv. 13-22. This same order is followed in chapter 5, is the order the same today?

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Part 3

December 21, 2020

Before Chrysostom in the fourth century wrote his famous homilies few seem to cite or know about Acts. Acts was relatively little known or used in the second and into the third century.

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Part 2

December 12, 2020

If the apostles were somewhere other than the temple on Shavuot they would of been in rebellion to the Word of יהוה, that said they wouldn’t have received a blessing for it would they? Deut 16. Lev 23. The Holy Spirit certainly wouldn’t of been given to a bunch of Torah breakers gathering in the place of their own choosing, whatever their hearts desires now would it! Certainly no church was born on this day! Instead this is Israel’s promise of renewal fulfilled or fully realized - Jer 31:31.

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Part 1B

December 6, 2020

The Holy Spirit reminds us that human understanding will undoubtedly bring about the wrong time to mind. It’s the coming of the Holy Spirit readying for this next season that will guide our way. Our focus needs to shift from time and space to the Mission at hand which יהוה has instituted in us through the Spirit, not necessarily just the events associated with the ends of the age.

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Part 1A

November 28, 2020

It’s important for us to understand who this Theophilos of Acts is.

The book of Luke was written originally to Theophilus. But who is he? A gentile convert according to the King Jimmy translators and later church commentators. But in reality we'll discover that he transferred his allegiance from the Levitical priesthood to the fully realized Melchizedek priesthood and in so doing upset the world of first century temple life.

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Intro B

November 22, 2020

For about sixteen hundred years, the Christian faith has been put forth from a western “Greek” perspective as if a new religion was made somewhere between Yahusha’s ministry and the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15; we are gonna blow this myth away as we set the stage.

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Intro A

November 14, 2020

In reality this book records the Acts of the Holy Spirit through his people in a time very similar to the one we find ourselves in today.

A time when the nation was unstable, divisions between parties were at explosive levels - Pharisee against Sadducee, Zealot against Roman, Judea was overrun and dark and destabilizing political, sociological and religious forces were at work!

But in-spite of all this, these events didn’t occupy and consume the forefront of believers lives and minds.

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