Series Overview

Ephesians Hebraically

Chapter 4 • Part 2

December 23, 2017

Did we miss something? We backtrack to finish chapter 4, Paul continues to instruct from the Tanakh to teach the Ephesians that incorporation into the Commonwealth of Israel brings with it an expectation of obedience to Yahuwah’s Torah and setting aside of non biblical pagan customs. If Israel’s chief undoing was syncretism, we will not fare any different in an economy of grace.

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Chapter 6

December 16, 2017

Are you prepared for spiritual warfare? Paul admonishes us to put on the armor of Yahuwah so that we might stand up to the principalities, fallen elohim from the divine council that became the gods of the nations and adversaries against man. When believers don this armor, we are truly able to stand against the wiles of these gods.

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Chapter 5

December 9, 2017

Should believers allow culture to dictate our faith? Our desire for comfortability can impact the ability of the Holy Spirit to convict us and disregard Yahuwah’s instruction in favor of adopting moral relativity. We need to embrace foundational truths that cultivate a family life of mutual submission to Yah.

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Chapter 4 • Part 1

December 2, 2017

What keeps a congregation from having an effective ministry? When Yahuwah calls and blesses us with privileges, it becomes our responsibility to be found worthy of that calling. It is our duty to walk out the commandments and instructions of our Heavenly Father, laying down the traditions that have been adopted by our forefathers so that we can step into our roles.

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Chapter 3

November 18, 2017

What is a “dispensation of grace”? Paul communicates a mystery to the congregation at Ephesus that still puzzles believers today. Being under grace is not being free from he commandments of Yahuwah. Grace and mercy have their foundations in Yahuwah’s Torah, not the New Testament.

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Chapter 2

November 12, 2017

What is the relationship of non-Jewish believers to the commonwealth of Israel? Paul writes expressly to all believers to let them know that the dividing wall has come down. The removal of the wall is the finished work of Yahusha and it is our jobs, as believers, to determine what the dividing wall is and what it is not.

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Chapter 1

October 30, 2017

How does Paul view the 1st Century church at Ephesus? In the opening of his letter, Paul draws on connective language that harkens to the days of Israel’s past. The clarion call remains the same today, to leave behind pagan practice and come into holy covenant living.

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October 21, 2017

Who were the Ephesians? As we begin our study of the text, we examine the historical and cultural climates for Ephesus, as well as the nature of authorship and theme of the letter.Through spiritual maturity and an indwelling of the Ruach, we move from doctrine and reasoned argument, to doxology and prayer.

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