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Eighth Edition Torah To The Tribes Parashah

The Torah parashah or “portion" is a section of a biblical book in the Masoretic Text of the Tanakh - the Weekly Torah portion is called the Parashat HaShavua. Join us as we journey through the Parashat HaShavua together and thread the needle from the Torah-Haftarah & Brit Chadasha (Torah-Prophets-Writings & New Testament).Download the 2021-2022 Eighth Edition Torah To The Tribes Parashah

R’EH see! ראה Deut 11:26-16:17

August 27, 2022

“To behold a vision.” Unwittingly in the West we’ve been presenting the evidence that Yahusha isn’t the Messiah according to this weeks Torah portion. Can we hear the call to return to the commandments, Yahusha did signs and wonders but he couldn’t of enticed us away from keeping the commandments, He couldn’t of changed any commandments given by YHWH at The Mountain.

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PIN’CHAS פינחס Phinehas/dark-skinned Num 25:10-29:40

July 23, 2022

The peril of syncretism is the account found in Torah parsha Pinchas. The error at the Acacia Grove in Num. 25 is: don't be distinct, blend in with the culture. The grace of Balaam is lawlessness, it teaches that it's okay to assimilate the worship practices of Ishtar into the festivals of the Creator. Yahusha has strong words against the assembly in Pergamos in Rev. 2.

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TSAV צו command! Lev 6:8 (1 8:36)

March 19, 2022

Vayikra/Leviticus 6:8 (1) And יהוה spake unto Moshe, saying, Lev 6:9 Tsav צו Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt offering: It is the burnt offering, because of the burning upon the altar all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it. Honor or dishonor how too shall we live? The sacrifices and the priesthood ultimately point to the altar of man's heart - "how too shall we live?" There are good people and evil people in this world, sometimes our paths inevitably cross...what path we choose to walk down when faced with such encounters; a priesthood of honor or a priesthood of dishonor will schedule our future. Choose this day who you shall serve...choose this day which altar, sacrifice and priesthood sets you on the path will it be a path to honor or a path to dishonor?

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KI TISA when you elevate. כי תאש Exod 30:11-34:35

February 19, 2022

KI TISSA כי תשא contains the infamous Golden Calf incident that teaches us that syncretism no matter how heartfelt just doesn't cut it with the Creator YAH, regardless of what your denomination may teach יהוה wants to be worshipped according to His TORAH instructions not your and mine vain imagination. SHABBAT is the sign of freedom from religious syncretism - and all of those who break free from the MATRIX רחם receive that sign and awaken to the blessed hope of ISRAEL. KI TISA כי תשא includes:

• The holy anointing oil
• The Golden Calf
• The promise of YHWH’s presence
• The new tablets
• The 13 attributes
• The sinners prayer

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T’TSAVEH you [Moshe] shall command [Aaron&sons]…Exod 27:20-30:10

February 12, 2022

The Son had been manifested in the royal high priests of the pre mosaic covenant realm. High priests, born normal human beings, like Enoch, became transfigured, but once a year through the ritual that happened inside the holy of holies. Psalm 110 – an enthronement psalm, set in the holy of holies. A human king could become a transfigured Melchizedek through the ritual in the holy of holies.

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T’RUMAH Offering Exod 25:1-27:19

February 5, 2022

The Mishkan - tabernacle speaks to the temple man, the inner sanctuaries were dark, there was no natural light only the light of the menorah illuminated the Holy Place. Our lives are to be ignited only by the light of יהוה and not by man's design or outside influences. Our minds are to be illuminated by יהוה s light. His light speaks forth into our whole body man.

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MISHPATIM judgments. Exod 21:1-24:18

January 29, 2022

MISHPATIM - The law (TOROT) of bondservants, the TOROT from whence came Common Law, not to be mistaken with Statutory Law - the law of merchants - the law of Mystery Babylon who sits upon many waters - international, admiralty, maritime and commercial in nature she trades and traffics in the souls of commercial entities called "persons" those who slumbered on their rights and became surety for the stranger. Ch. 23 "Justice of all" only comes by awakening and "coming out of her my people" and coming into the goodness of the Melchizedek priesthood, the "book of the covenant" and a royal priestly reality where you and I can interact with the world as priests and kings under what's lawful (equitable torah ) not that which carries the vessel into slavery in Mystery Babylon.

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YITRO Jethro/abundance. Exod 18:1-20:26

January 22, 2022

Learn how to live the Torah fully through the Book of the Covenant observance; thereby joining the priesthood instead of a denomination.

The Book of the Covenant is found at Ex.19:5 to 24:8. The term 'Book of the Covenant' is stated at Ex.24:7. The parameters are established by the pre acceptance (initial accepting) of Ex.19:7-8 and post acceptance (final accepting) of the people being Ex.24:7-8. This is identical to a modern day contract – signing before and after; with the opening words by יהוה being Ex.19:5-6.

Peter identifies 'יהוה s same initial proposal of Ex.19:5-6 'if you will heed my voice' at 1Pt.2:9 – 'you have been called'. So 'the Book of the Covenant' is Ex.19:5-24:8 (first and last mentions in Torah). 'Book of the Covenant' only occurs in the Bible 3 times,

'Book of the Law' occurs some 19 times; with 1 of those times being the only mention in the New Testament by Paul at Gal.3:10.

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וארא VAERA and I [יהוה] appeared

January 1, 2022

The 3 keys to a final Exodus are:
1. Passover and how we approach the master’s table
2. YHWH’s altar and His fiery judgement over the worlds system
Know, to some were created for destruction and some for glory, it all depends on whether you are being abated and transformed in heart or left to be strengthened, buttressed in heart!
3. Finally, we all need to be encouraged from the witness of Aaron and Moshe, you have intercessors and mediators who’ll aid you and speak for you if you are slow in tongue or need assistance with authorities prior to Exodus!

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ויגש VAYIGASH “and [Judah] drew near”

December 11, 2021

How much distance is too far, how close is too close? How can we work on getting closer with Joseph (Moshiach Ben Joseph), is there too close? Can we get too close in our own imaginations with ideas about Joseph, can we get too close in our own doctrines and ideas about Joseph?

The first time Judah came close it melted Joseph's reserves and his mercy and forgiveness covered all the brothers past crimes. Look at Messiah Ben Joseph's providential purpose in your life and see how יהוה's providential purpose has overruled all your past crimes for good!

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November 6, 2021

And these are the generations of Issac - Eleh TOLDOT Issac. There's an enmity between the seeds. Jacob was protecting his head from being crushed, he was protecting the soft spot - the vulnerable part. The seed of the serpent Esau is currently trying to reverse this prophecy by trying to crush the head of the seed of the woman who in turn grabs the heel to protect her head. Your most venerable parts are under attack by a system that seeks to destroy your reproduction through attacking your DNA and cutting off your TOLDOT-Generations!

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