Series Overview

Shavuot of Separation

Part 2

May 26, 2019

Rev 20:13 the sea gives up the dead, death and Hell give up the dead, and v.15 – by deduction tells us that there are some who were in death and hell that are found written in the book of life. These are believers who were not in the Millennium - the kingdom of heaven, yet had eternal saving faith – not kingdom works - Melchizedik Book of the Covenant works and faith working together – and were thus excluded from the Millennium spending their portion of time allotted with the unbelievers just as Yahusha said in Lk.12:46.

Teaching Details

Part 1

May 26, 2019

The Millennium is this enigmatic, mystifying period preceding judgment and the eternal state.

This is a period of vindication within history of the cause of Yahusha.

There will be two tribulation periods (Jacob's Trouble and the Gt. Tribulation) and with that two categories of resurrection of the dead.

The first resurrection is the resurrection of the believers who did not worship the beast or receive its mark - Revelation 20:4-5 who gain entrance into “the Millennium” (some limit the Millennium to the martyrs alone - Rev 6). I disagree with this limited view though I recognize however a connection in Matt 10:39, “whoever looses his life for my sake, will find it.” but don’t limit it to just that. In this teaching find out about a literal thousand year reign here on earth administered under the Melchizedik Priesthood and its Shavuot inception point - the Book of the Covenant - Exo. 24.7.

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