1 Judges of the land, love righteousness; think about Yahweh and seek Him with goodness and simplicity of heart. 2 Because He is found by those who do not tempt Him and manifests Himself to those who are not disbelieving. 3 For crooked reasonings divide from יהוה and the power being tested reproves the foolish, 4 because wisdom does not enter into a soul practicing evil nor does it dwell in a body indebted to sin. 5 For a holy spirit through discipline shall flee deceit and stand apart from reasonings void of understanding, and convict coming unrighteousness. 6 For wisdom is a benevolent spirit, and the blasphemous from his lips shall not go unpunished, since יהוה is witness of his feelings and true supervisor of his heart and hearer of the tongue, 7 because the Spirit of Yahweh has filled the inhabited earth and that which encompasses all things has knowledge of a voice.
1Peter 1:10 “of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time the spirit of Messiah who was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Messiah and the glories that would follow. To them it was revealed that, NOT TO THEMSELVES, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel..”
The prophets of old didn’t write for their time and their benefit, but their writings were for our admonition.
The truths of what those prophets wrote were not revealed to those prophets.
The Brit tells us that righteousness is inseparably tied to faith and the life of the Spirit, as Shaul proclaims in Romans 1:17: “The righteous shall live by faith.”
1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of יהוה in a mystery, which יהוה has hidden, predetermining it before the world for our glory; 8 which none of the rulers of this world knew (for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Master of glory). 9 But as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,” nor has it entered into the heart of man, “the things which יהוה has prepared for those who love Him.” But יהוה has revealed them to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of יהוה.
חָכְמָה (Chokhmah):
ח (Chet): A fence or boundary, symbolizing the protection found in divine understanding.
כ (Kaf): The palm or open hand, representing the impartation of divine gifts.
מ (Mem): Water, speaks to life and the flow of the Spirit.
ה (Hey): Revelation or divine breath.
So…Wisdom “will not enter a deceitful soul” (Sol. 1:5) because her purity cannot coexist with unrighteousness, as illustrated in Matthew 5:8:“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see יהוה.”
The call to “love righteousness” tzedakah (צ-ד-ק) depicts the idea of a pathway (צ) TZADE leading to a door (ד) DALTE of divine holiness (ק), KAF symbolizing the journey toward יהוה perfect justice – equity.
Solomon wrote, “The spirit of the Master has filled the world” (Wisdom 1:7), This speaks to יהוהs omnipresence and sustaining power, which is exactly what Shaul was attempting to get across to the Colossians who’s wisdom was worldly, carnal and heathenistic in Colossians 1:17: “In Him all things hold together.”
The Ruach Elohim is both life-giver and omniscient witness, THE WITNESS discerning every word and deed. The Hebrew term for spirit, רוּחַ (Ruach):
ר (Resh): The head – authority.
ו (Vav): A connecting hook – uniting a thing, tie it together…or unity
ח (Chet): Life or enclosure.
The Spirit as the divine authority that unites and sustains creation, giving it life.
Luke 12:2: “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.”
8 On this account no one uttering unrighteous things escapes notice, neither does convicting judgment bypass him. 9 For in the deliberations of an impious man there shall be scrutiny and a report of his words shall come to Yahweh for a conviction of his transgressions of the law, 10 because an ear of zealousness hears all things and a sound of murmuring is not concealed. 11 Therefore you must guard against unprofitable murmuring and refrain from a tongue of evil speech because vain covert speech shall not proceed and a mouth speaking falsely slays a soul.
Verse 11: “A lying mouth destroys the soul.” There’s a spiritual reality that words shape the soul’s destiny. James 3:6 expands on this, describing the tongue as “a fire, a world of unrighteousness.” The Hebrew term for soul, נֶפֶשׁ (Nefesh), means breath, life, and desire. The letters of Nefesh—נ (Nun), פ (Peh), ש (Shin)—symbolize:
נ (Nun): Life or continuity.
פ (Peh): Mouth or speech.
ש (Shin): Transformation or destruction.
We come inquiring: Verse 9: Thoughts and Words Under Judgment…9 For in the deliberations of an impious man there shall be scrutiny and a report of his words shall come to Yahweh for a conviction of his transgressions of the law.
The inquiry into the thoughts of the ungodly reveals a connection between internal intention and external consequences, thought and speech must align!
Matthew 12:36 “On the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak.” This so reinforces the spiritual principle that words carry weight and resonate within the divine ether.
Verse 10: The Jealous Ear and Grumbling
The “jealous ear” of יהוה, is talking about His omnipresence and vigilance. The all seeing and discerner of the heart…Grumbling is discontent and rebellion, actions that disrupt the flow, the currency of divine shalom.
Verse 11: The Destruction of the Soul
So there’s both a biblical and esoteric principle that words have creative and destructive power.
Purity of intent, speech, and action as prerequisites for accessing divine wisdom and power.
Alignment with Divine Order: living in harmony with divine laws.
Power of Words: speech, when aligned with divine intent, has the power to command spiritual forces, but misuse leads to destruction.
Spiritual Vigilance: The jealous ear of Elohim parallels the necessity of maintaining spiritual vigilance in both texts.
12 Do not emulate death in the wandering of your life nor bring upon yourself destruction by the deeds of your hands, 13 because יהוה did not make death nor has He delight in the destruction of the living. 14 (For He established all things which exist and the preserving origins of the Society and there is no elixir of destruction in them nor a place for Hades upon earth.) 15 For righteousness is immortal, 16 but they with impious hands and words summon it [death] to them are consumed considering it a friend they languish, and they establish a covenant with it because they are worthy to be of that portion.
Look at death and original sin in verse 16—bad deeds bring death—why? Because of the intrinsic goodness of creation, aligning with Genesis 1:31: “יהוה saw all that He had made, and it was very good.”
What then about the transformation of death itself? Through Yahusha, death is overcome, as it written in 1 Corinthians 15:54 where: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” So…Wisdom identifies the cause of death in human unrighteousness, yet the Brit reveals its ultimate remedy in Yahusha’s redemptive act. Wisdom followed fully bringing about transformation its a transformer!
Energy must be Accepted to pass through and transform the substance of it – death to life, chaos to calm, war to peace, shame to honor.
But to those who choose deceit…who block the energy flow, the current of creation, the currency of truth and righteousness…Wisdom “will not enter a deceitful soul” (Sol. 1:5) it’s the converse:…the intrinsic goodness of creation is transformed into the evil, calm is transformed into chaos, peace into war, riches to rags.
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