Wisdom of Solomon 2:10-24 in this section much like the story of Joseph in Egypt, we are going to see that despite being in a system of slavery and economic manipulation, Joseph understood the system and used his wisdom to rise above it, thereby helping others (Genesis 41).
We’re going to be Interpreting Wisdom of Solomon 2:10-24 through the lens of a commercial and legal context of the Banking Relief Act of 1917 and the Trading with the Enemy Act of March 9th 1933, and the complex systems of money, law, and negotiable instruments post-1933.
“2:10 We should oppress the poor righteous man. We should not spare a widow nor respect the long-enduring grayness of an elder. 11 Our strength must be the law of righteousness, for that which is weak is proved to be useless. 12 We should lie in wait for the righteous because he is intractable to us and opposes our works, and he reproaches us for our transgressions of the law, and imprecates upon us for the transgressions of our training. 13 He professes to have knowledge of God and calls himself a child of Yahweh. 14 He was made for us a reproof of our thoughts. He is burdensome for us even to see, 15 because his manner of living is unlike the others and his paths have taken another course. “16 By him we are reckoned as spurious, and he abstains from our ways as from uncleanness. He pronounces blessed the ends of the just, and boasts that God is father. 17 We should see if there is truth in his words, and make trial of the things in his issue. 18 For if the just man is a son of God, He shall help him and deliver him from the hand of those in opposition. 19 We shall test him with insult and injury, in order that we may know his kindness and prove his forbearance. 20 We should condemn him with a shameful death, for his examination shall be from his own words.” 21 These things they reckoned, and they were deceived; for their malice had blinded them, 22 and they did not know the mystery of God, nor did they hope for the reward of piety, nor did they discern a gift of honor for unblemished souls. 23 Because God created man for incorruption, and He made him an image of His Own eternity, 24 but through envy of the False Accuser death entered into the Society, and they tempting Him are of that portion.
Unlike יהוהs omniscient nature, it’s used in an inverted and idolatrous sense, it reflects the idea of earthly, carnal, centralized control.
Revelation 13:7 speaks of a beast “given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” – this is just like the pyramid structure symbolizing governmental control that seeks to dominate all nations.
Then in Revelation 13:15 it describes the image of the beast, demanding allegiance and worship. I believe this connects to the pyramid and its all-seeing eye as symbols of a system of authority that demands subservience.
The vertices of the pyramid:
The Vatican: The Beast (Governmental Control). The Vatican, historically a powerful political and religious entity – the “Beast” because of its ability to control vast political and spiritual realms- authority over governance, especially during the medieval period, was a form of governmental control that wielded massive power structures embed in all nations.
The “Beast” – governmental powers that stand in opposition to יהוהs kingdom.
Revelation 13:1 describes this Beast rising out of the sea – international, admiral, maritime and commercial in nature, with the authority of a global ruler.
Revelation 17:18 speaks of a “great city” which rules over the kings of the earth—this refers to the Vatican, a city-state that has huge influence over world leaders today.
The City of London: The Whore: (International Bankers Who Ride the Beast)
The City of London, home to the heart of international banking and financial power, is “the Whore” because of its role in manipulating and profiting from global finance. The City of London is the hub for financial elitism, with massive influence over global trade and economics, akin to the Whore who rides the Beast.
In Revelation 17:1-5, “the great whore” is spoken of as one sitting on many waters, representing nations and peoples whom she controls. This whore is adorned in wealth and luxury, exploiting the nations for her gain.
Revelation 18:11-19 then describes the fall of “Babylon,” which is equated to a great whore—an economic system driven by greed, manipulation, and control of the nations. This matches the function of the City of London, the epicenter of global financial power.
Washington D.C.: The False Prophet (The War Machine and Speaker of Lies)
Washington D.C, as the political center of the United States, “the False Prophet,” the orchestrator of wars, spreading propaganda, whilst simultaneously maintaining a military-industrial complex that acts in the interests of global elites rather than the common good.
The “False Prophet” is the mouthpiece of the Beast, spreading its lies and promoting its agenda.
The False Prophet in Revelation 13:11-18 leads the masses to worship the Beast and promotes its agenda. This figure is linked with deception, false miracles – AI and the enforcement of falsehood.
Revelation 19:20 describes the “False Prophet” as the one who deceives the nations with false signs and wonders, calling people to worship the Beast.
The Trading with the Enemy Act effectively declared the American people as “enemies” during times of economic and financial crises, while the language of citizens not being enemies was removed in 1933, thus making them commercial enemies.
This allowed the government and international bankers to control and manipulate the flow of currency, creating a system where Citizens were left to use negotiable instruments to discharge their debts rather than their own private wealth.
The “wicked” have always been the money changers, those in control of the financial system, using their power to entrap citizens in an economic scheme that forces them to participate in a system that no longer adheres to the principles of constitutional money (gold and silver).
The fall of Mystery Babylon is because of the the financial manipulation of the masses. The righteous, through their understanding of the matrix law and the proper use of instruments of currency will be able come out from the whore and free themselves from the grips of a system designed to keep them enslaved in debt.
Just like Joseph, the righteous find victory over the corrupt systems of the world, which often appear insurmountable.
In conclusion: Mystery Babylon the global financial and governmental system, Washington D.C., The Vatican, and The Bank of England—the military, political, and religious powers that perpetuate the global commercial system.
Now these three institutions operate together, creating a deep state global financial empire based on exploitation, manipulation, and control.
Revelation 17:16 prophecies the turning of the Beast against the Whore, which will be the collapse of this system: “The ten horns which you saw on the beast…will hate the whore. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.”
When that happens it’ll tear apart the existing financial order, bringing about chaos just like it’s prophesied in Revelation 18:17 “In one hour such great riches have come to nothing!”
Remember Isaiah 47:7-9, where the prophet condemns Babylon’s pride and reliance on its wealth, saying, ”you said, I am and there is none besides me. I will not sit as a widow, nor will I know the loss of children.”
Arrogance and self-sufficiency brings about punishment, and the downfall is imminent.
The same as in Jeremiah 50:35-46 the destruction of Babylon and its wealth, the ruin of the city as יהוהs judgment falls.
The waters of commerce in Revelation 18:17 show us what happens when the global economic system is thrown into chaos. When the collapse happens the writing on the wall shows it’s gonna be the the shift to a CBDC.
This transition time will be a time of great tribulation, as the nations that had once flourished under the Babylonian system are wrecked.
Matthew 24:21 “for then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.”
The tribulation is the fall of Babylon. Just like in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, “while people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” This is going to happen suddenly, it’s gonna be an overwhelming event that aligns with the rapid downfall of the global system.
In Revelation 16:14 – the gathering of nations for battle – the Battle of Armageddon, where the world’s systems and powers are brought into conflict, culminating in divine intervention: “They are the spirits of demons performing signs, and they go out to the kings of the earth, to gather them for battle on the great day of YAH Almighty.” It’s gonna be an epic conflict ending with the ultimate defeat of those who perpetuate the Babylonian system of oppression and control.
The nations that continue to hold onto and refuse to come out of the false systems of Babylon, the Beast, and the Whore will be judged, and the kingdom of יהוה will be established!
In Daniel 2:44 we see the kingdom of יהוה will triumph over all earthly kingdoms: “In the time of those kings, the Elohim of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.”
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