Intro A
Revelation is is a book of prophecy written by a prophet, It’s about our future and we’re supposed to be…
The Hebraic Book of Revelation
Rev 9:1 And the fifth heavenly angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from the heaven to the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Raphaim were the giants and the Nephilim were the angels who refused to be born again, and instead left their proper habitation and just mixed with women.
These angels were locked up in chains by YHWH until judgment day. We learn from ancient history that these giants became the demonic spirits that still trouble people today.
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Revelation is is a book of prophecy written by a prophet, It’s about our future and we’re supposed to be…
My understanding and teaching of the book of Revelation is: That the eschatological consummation falls on the present according to…
"To show his servants things which must soon come to pass.” Yahusha orders historical truth. S.a.tan manufactures sacred history to…
These are real letters to real assemblies, but they’re also a preview to church history in its downward spiral toward…
Synagogue of Satan 1 Sa 8:19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay;…
6,000,000 has its origins in an ancient Babylonian sorcerers prophecy straight out of the pages of Torah. Lev 25:10 And…
The Magi: Balaam and his two sons, Jannes and Jambres, were called ‘magi’ by Philo (Life Moses), who prophesied about…
Sardis: the admonition to be watchful held special meaning to Sardis, because it twice had fallen to an enemy due…
Rev 3:14These things says The Amein, the only Faithful and Emet witness, the beginning/archē/bikurim of all the creation of יהוה.…
In this period of intensified conflict, realize the course of history isn’t determined by political power but by יהוה as…
We’ll discover that the Revelation chapter 5 scroll contains the New Covenant land deed administered under the Melchizedek priesthood covenant…
Salvation from eternal destruction comes by the Lamb. Salvation from the destruction to come upon this world is to be…
The scriptural key to unlocking the seals is understanding 4 PROFOUND things: 1.The Holy Spirit of Revelation was rejected and…
Rev 6:2 And I saw. And behold a white horse! And he sitting on it had a bow. The Lamb…
The Patriarch’s Ponies - Zechariah Chapter 6 informs us that the apocalyptic equestrians are spirits; the first seal of Revelation…
Social inequity and anxiety heightens in a time of manufactured scarcity. All we need now is the billionaire globalists to…
The Rev Ch. 7 sealing of believers is a an assurance of spiritual safety on the grounds of Divine ownership.…
The question I pose is; do the seven seals and the seven trumpets cover the same period, or do they…
During quarantine, masses of believers have fallen prey to the worldwide pandemic scenario underwritten by those who blaspheme, of them…
A host of demonic locusts who attack the bodies of men but do not kill them: The backdrop to this…
Loose the four heavenly angels which are bound in the great River Euphrates. 2 possibilities: 1. These are the Cherubim’s…
Pandora's box, something else was let into the world when the lid was pulled away, something to counterbalance the evils…
יהוה will give sanctuary to the Melchizedek priesthood to keep them safe from the assault from the Anti-Christ. The measuring…
As the nations implode in riots, fire and mayhem hurting one another under the flag of being 'woke' should we…
The Two Witnesses. The Two Olive Trees, watch and discover more about how the two olive trees are both congregations…
Rev 11. We’re nearing the final furlong; the bride is making herself ready because she is spiritually attuned that the…
Rev 11. “The great city” as a Remez/hint of the One World Government and the Two Witnesses being Ephraim and…
Rev 12: John’s apocalyptic vision is brilliant not only because of it’s descriptive factors here in chapter 12 that can…
We’re living in some weird and crazy times where the world is offering us saviors in all kinds of forms:…
And I looked, and saw, a Lamb stood on Mt. Zion, and with Him one hundred forty four thousand Yisraelites,…
In the eschatological consummation we’re not going to be leave here and fly to heaven in a fictitious pre-trib rapture…
The Song of Moses is a song of deliverance from the hatred and hostility of the beast, with its mysterious…
The Trumpet judgments were partial in their effect, here we see the Bowls are universal in scope and final in…
In Rev 11 we examined whether Jerusalem was the eshatological city Mystery Babylon! In V. 8 was John carried away…
Ch. 18 is really dealing with a worldwide problem because Babylon in view here has its origin in Gen. 11…
Watch as we unmask the Beast in Revelation chapter 19. If Medusa is a mythological type of the Great Whore…
The angel of judgement and destruction that יהוה often times uses upon the wicked; Num 22 with Balaam, 1 Chr.…
We are in a transitionary period as the kingdoms of this world begin their decline to the coming of the…
There shall be no more curse; no accursed one - katanathema, no serpent there, as there was in the earthly…
Who are the real Jews today and where can we find them? Why does American black history exist based solely…
Are you ready to go deeper into your walk of faith? Many know Jesus Christ, but we want to introduce…
Our past – history, is our present politics! History of the Synagogue of Satan – it transmutes in name but…
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